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Making a difference

Updated: May 13, 2018

Please watch this video.

It is an example of a DIPG family making a difference.

For those with questions as to what the Cozzi family is doing. This is our same passion. To use Camron’s tumor samples that are located at T-Gen in Phoenix, to help fund this research so we can help advance the research and develop a cure.

Currently 4 new children under the care of Seattle Children’s Hospital have been diagnosed with DIPG.

Team Cozzi Awareness and Benefit night is June 2nd. A quality turnout is needed. Please don’t take this benefit lightly, thinking someone else will attend and they won’t miss me will only lead to failure and poor performance. We don’t do anything poorly, but we can’t do it on our own. We need our friends, families and communities.

Currently 4 new children under the care of Seattle Children’s Hospital have been diagnosed with DIPG. This disease is not going anywhere until we make it. Please help make a difference. It’s achievable if we have the passion to follow it through.


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